Books and Research published by the Full Spectrum Behavior Institute

Behave Like a Boss
Collin Streetman
We recognize the field of Behavior Analysis has a need for a book aimed to guide practitioners of ABA in ethically building quality firms. This is chiefly in response to the new market strategy of private equity firms and venture capitalists acquiring and managing Applied Behavior Analysis agencies. Like each of you reading this book, we love the science of ABA, and we are concerned that the business interests of firms run by those who must report to investors are antithetical to a consumer-centered therapy as intensive as ABA. This trend, while distressing, is not irreversible.
Holding these convictions and seeing this development, left us with one solution…do what we can to level the playing field. We all recognize BCBAs are clinicians first, and financial expertise and business acumen, rightly so, are not taught in our programs. This book represents our knowledge and experience gleaned by starting, structuring, growing and marketing (even regionalizing) an ABA firm, from start to finish. Our intention was to structure the book in such a way that even students could begin to plan towards their own future and dream of starting a firm. Behaviorists, not bankers, are the optimum choice to own and manage ABA agencies.
Furthermore, we realized that the average clinician would need access to forms and documents that are crucial to starting and managing an ABA firm. We’ve opened the treasure trove of documents from our successful agency, which is administered by multiple BCBA-Ds. We have created a website that includes documents for Hiring and HR, Clients, Contracts, P+P Manuals, Billing Templates, Clinical Templates for BASPs and much more. Big wins, like our state legislature funded grant, are even included to serve as models for other entrepreneurial agency owners. See a full list of documents online at and start the journey towards independent agency ownership. Instead of watching business/investor firms continue to inundate our field, why not start your own firm?
With this book and website, you can begin to make your dream of owning your own agency a reality. The time is now and the future of our profession is in your hands!
Visit for details.

The Effects of a Class-Wide Behavior Intervention for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Marc Weeden
Full Spectrum Behavior Analysis
Howard P. Wills
Juniper Gardens Children’s Project, University of Kansas
Esther Kottwitz
Kansas City (Kansas) Public Schools
Debra Kamps
Juniper Gardens Children’s Project, University of Kansas

Future Research
An Evaluation of Behavior Skills Training to Increase Treatment Integrity During Parent Training
Jennifer L. Bellotti, Ph.D., BCBA-D
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Full Spectrum Behavior Institute
Julie A. Ackerlund Brandt, Angela Barber, Annette Griffith,
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
& Ariana R. Boutain
Treatment integrity is the accurate implementation of an intervention as written and is an area of upmost importance for applied research and professional practice. Treatment integrity allows a researcher or clinician to determine that the intervention was correctly implemented throughout the study or treatment. Behavior Skills Training (BST) has been found to be effective as a package to increase treatment integrity for staff; however, research is limited for parent implementation.
The current study elaborated on previous research and examined the effects of BST for increasing treatment integrity of parent’s implementation of behavioral interventions for their children. A multiple baseline design across three parent-child dyads was employed and direct observation was used to assess parent and child behavior. Results indicated that BST was effective in increasing global and component integrity for parents and found a positive relationship between high levels of integrity and high child accuracy scores.
Keywords: treatment integrity, parent training, discrete trial teaching, behavior skills training
Perspectives on Behavior Science
A Call for Action: Raising the Bar on Bullying Behaviors and Interventions Research
Primary Author:
Jennifer L. Bellotti, Ph.D., BCBA-D
-Full Spectrum Behavior Institute
-The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Corresponding Author:
Julie Ackerlund Brandt, Ph.D.
Bullying has received increasing national and international concern since the 1970s
beginning with Olweus’ initial research in the area (Olweus, 1974); however, despite
growing concerns regarding bullying, and its proven negative impact for both
perpetrators and victims (e.g., problems in academics, interpersonal relationships,
physical health, and mental health), only a small amount of research examines bullying from an intervention-based focus. Most of the research is correlational, meaning it evaluates variables that may relate to bullying, but not direct observation of techniques which may decrease or eradicate it. It is unclear based on the current research how early bullying begins, procedures to prevent it, interventions to address existing bullying, or even to accurately define bullying. The present review describes bullying research in psychological and behavioral literature over the past thirteen years and
provides a discussion of the trends and limitations within that research along with ideas for future research.
For a full list of all publications produced by our BCBA-Ds please see their CVs located on the PhD's Bios Page.